
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Beer Review - New Glarus Fat Squirrel Ale

New Glarus Brewing Co. - Fat Squirrel Ale

Beer Type: English Brown Ale - 5.80% ABV

Appearance: 12oz brown bottle with a fat squirrel on the label in the middle of a bunch of text. Favorite part of this label is the story on the side - "There are some seriously fat squirrels out there. They are running all over the neighborhood. I think I should brew a Fat Squirrel Nut Brown Ale." Beer poured red/brown/amber color with a good sized off-white head that left lacing.

 Malt and just a touch of something nutty. Pretty subtle.

First Drink:
 Kind of chocolate malt flavors up front and something a bit metallic/alcoholic a bit like a winter warmer style. Mellows out to a nice toasty malt flavor.

 Medium bodied and maybe a bit on the dry side?

Last Drink:
 A little more sugar and bread flavors coming through now.

 A mighty fine brown ale good for drinking in cool fall weather.  

 Can't get this regularly as there is a big lake (Michigan) in between me and WI but its not bad at all!

3.75 out of 5. Nice toasty brown ale and no squirrels were harmed in the making.

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