Life is good. Life is busy. And not just the normal "work" busy - full of nerd things like three (three!?) different roleplaying games/groups, my local Blood Bowl league, boardgames, and invites to play all kinds of stuff. I am awash in nerd times and it is good.
Still dying to get Necromunda going. I know I will suck. I chose a difficult gang to play. I want to paint them all! Here is my first Goliath ganger for the Skullkrushas!!! He's a Juve named....
Basecoats ho! |
Basecoats rear! |
"First ima stab yeh..." |
"...then ima put this gun up yer bum!" |
Painted him up in about 1 hour. Pretty darn happy with the results! I started with the "easy" skin tone and plan on working into some more "difficult" skin tones as I paint the gang. Multi-racial gangers all the way!!
I have three (three!?) incoming painting projects/comissions I need to work on in addition to:
- Halfling (crablings) Blood Bowl team
- Orc (finishing them) Blood Bowl team
- Dark Elf (yuck!) Blood Bowl team
- Goliath gang
- A stack of WHFB minis (Chaos!!!!!)
I feel I need to spend more time in my new painting "studio" in the next few months. Time to get back to work!!