Tomorrow I head towards Chicago for the annual Blood Bowl spectacle known as the
Chaos Cup!! I've been for the past two years now and I have to say it has been one of the most fun tournaments I have attended... and that was with me playing Nurgle both years (and losing terribly most of the time)!
This year I wanted to bring a team that:
A. Wasn't Nurgle (I love em but they are a terrible tourney team, especially at this point value)
B. Was something I needed to finish painting
My hope was to finish a team to a high enough standard that I might feasibly compete in the painting awards, and feel bad ass about myself, even if I lost most of my games. Towards that goal I finished painting the Trailer Orc Boyz a week or so ago. You can see photos of them in my earlier posts. I feel this team represents my strengths and weaknesses as a painter/converter and I am very proud of how they turned out. One small problem though... I have never played Orcs in Blood Bowl!! My first game with Orcs will be my first game of the tournament this weekend! Oh well. Here's hoping my three recent seasons of Chaos pay off with the Orcs.
Here is the roster I am bringing to the event:
It's your basic "everyone has block" roster. The small tweaks include 2 x Guarding Blitzers to get my assists where I need them when I need them, and one Dodging Blitzer to get me touchdowns and help on offense. 3 x Rerolls should cover too many mistakes and the Sure Hands of the Thrower will work in a pinch against Strip Ball opponents. A little light with 11 and no Apoth but I hope the higher armor will help keep me on the pitch. We'll see how they do! I can't believe that Ricky and Julian would let me down and I am sure I can always count on Bubbles and Randy right?!!
Going to the even alone this year
without any KUBBL buddies... which is good and bad. Good because I won't make them listen to my disgusting METAL in the car nor torture them with all of my eating requirements. Bad because I will be alone and won't have anyone to talk about beer with! In memory of my KUBBL friends and our near repeat victory in last year's Skaven-ger hunt I snagged a few photos from the Chaos Cup website. At least we'll have the memories?
Me losing game 2 of the tournament. |
Me losing game 6 of the tournament. |
Skaven-ger hunt (red shoes I think) with Furry. |
It's a monkey and me. Not sure what the clue was here. |
I think this was supposed to be G-dub? That's Furry's nipple pinching hand. |
I dunno... it made me laugh? |
It's a beer. Mmmm beer. |
I'll do my best to chronicle my adventures in Blood Bowl at Chaos Cup this weekend so you can live vicariously through me. Wish me luck!!