Here we go... it's week 3 of (at least) 52 minis for the year. Hey look it's a Dwarfess!
Some kind of rune wielding blacksmith? Or runesmith? Or just a badass Dwarf woman? Either way I was really excited to get my paintbrush on her. For some reason the ink wash I used looks very glossy in this photo. Hopefully it will look less so with a bit of dullcoat applied.
This is the first mini painted for my Mordheim Dwarf crew or alternatively for Frostgrave perhaps? (Oh yeah I kinda bought that rulebook during the holiday break... but haven't played yet)
In other news this last week was good with a bit of Pathfinder Societies play with my group (who hadn't played since Feb of last year!!) and also my first week of a new semester. This time around I have two separate drawing classes 4 days a week which has really kicked my lazy drawing butt into high gear. Probably drawn and sketched more this week than the past 15 years combined!!
Random sketch of a random person in public. |
My Ben Templesmith/Police Sketch self-portrait |
The week of drawing has been a good reminder that like any art drawing takes practice! Same with mini painting and painting in general! Don't get down on yourself for doing something and it not being "the best" - getting yourself going is at least half the battle.
Kevros the Half Orc Monk about to Grapple a Stone Giant |
Last year before my last session of PFS I re-created my Monk with the Unchained Monk. Best choice I could have made! At level 9 he has 27-30 (potentially up to 48) AC without armor, 2d6 damage per hit (with up to 3 per round in his Flurry of Blows), the ability to follow up and strike opponents who miss him in combat (thanks to Snake style!), and he can generally sense and perceive the hell out of things. Of course he is dumb as a bag of rocks with about as much charisma... but that's okay!
Potentially playing a bit of Bloodbowl or AoS tomorrow and I have plenty more drawing to do as well. So until next time....