
Friday, December 27, 2013

Progress Report 12/27/13 - The cold hands of December.

December! A month of holiday-hectic-centric shenanigans. While I spent some of it painting minis and playing games the majority of this month was spent feeding folks, working, or attending various social such and such. In the meantime here are a few things I painted. Been doing a bad job of tracking such things. 

A herd of goblins painted for a goblin RPG adventure where the PCs are goblins!
Xmas gift to family - a mini of their D&D character.
This mini had a ton of tiny detail for a Bones casting I thought.
Another D&D character mini for Xmas.
Some slight conversions but overall straight out of the box.
Speaking of boxes - Deadzone arrived! Kinda looked this in the box too.
A pile of minis but I am still missing a couple bags from the KS pledge.
Hoping to spend time in the last few remaining days of the year painting some minis and possibly assembling some of that pile of Deadzone restic. Time will tell! I also need to sketch out my first oil painting on canvas for a class I will be taking this winter. Hoping to bring some oil painting methods and materials to the world of miniature painting! Wish me luck.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidaze and a Merry Gutmass.

Busy here in the DnM household. Visiting family with dogs, babies, and a love of craft beers has kept me away from any significant hobby work (except for the minis I painted as gifts). Sorry for the reuse of this image... but tis the season! Happy holidaze and a  merry gutmass to all!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Beer Review - Sixpoint Brewery 3Beans

Sixpoint Brewery - 3Beans

Beer Type: Baltic Porter - 10.00% ABV

Appearance: Super limited edition beer in a skinny 12oz can! Out of the fancy limited edition can the beer is a dark brown. Can't see through it!! Nice big tan colored head on top.       

Smell: Coffee and dried fruits first followed by roasted malt and a hint of "spice". Can't smell the booze?!   

First Drink: Some coffee flavors followed by roasted malts. Something kinda woody and metallic coming through too?      

Mouthfeel: Not super carbonated but my tongue feels fuzzy. Seems very smooth.     

Last Drink: More malt and some chocolate and raisin flavors coming in now. The sweetness is nicely balanced. Getting a bit of booze now too.            

Drinkability: Very interesting and I would certainly drink this again... if it was ever made again!             

Notes: First beer I have had from Sixpoint and they set the bar high for me on this one.         

Verdict: 4.5 out of 5. Hope to see more unique collaborations like this one in the future (this one was between Sixpoint, Mast Brothers, and Stumptown).   

Sunday, December 1, 2013

New blog header!

You may have noticed a new blog header up there! I got tired of the old one... it was time for a change! This one comes courtesy of Dario J who I worked with on the Bellower webzine and have been following ever since. He makes some great fantasy art and you can see it here on his Facebook page!

I've posted a few examples of his work below. Thanks for the fantastic artwork Dario!

2013 Hobby Resolutions check-in.

Well I meant to get to this earlier in the year. Time flies when you buy a new house, change your job, and start having a social life with friends and playing games!? Since we are 31 days from the end of this year I thought it would be useful to see how I have fared in the "Hobby Resolutions" department.

Here is the list I came up with for this year way back in January:
  • Update this blog at least twice a week all year: Did pretty dreadful at this. I updated at least twice a month!! Does that count? Part of the lack of updates comes from me spending time on my radio show(s) and the blog I run for that. Part of it is just not getting around to it. 
  • Finish painting all of the Blood Bowl teams I have started: Hah! Nice one. Actually I did okay at first - got my Orc team painted, still haven't finished my Lizardman team, then went and added a Halfling team, some Elves, some Skaven, and got minis for an Underworld or Chaos Pact or something team down the road. In short. Nope.
  • Play some WHFB somewhere, somehow: Even the new WoC book couldn't help me with this one. I did make a new space in my new home for playing games like this!! Does that count?
  • Attend as many Blood Bowl tournaments as possible: Again not so great here. Missed out on Zlurpee Bowl and a few other close by events I had planned on attending (including the second Jingle Bowl coming up this weekend). I think my count for the year is... 3. Terrible!! 
  • Win an award in Blood Bowl league or tournament play: While I still haven't won any awards at a BB tournament I did manage to take the 3 season Chaos juggernaut the Khorne R'Backs to the KUBBL 5 championship and win. It was a close fought thing at times but the powers of Khorne paved the way in blood.
  • Complete 12 monthly painting pledges at the Ogre Stronghold: I have managed to do this quite nicely! Except I didn't post my pledge in Novemeber I did complete it.
So there you have it. Not too shabby. In between the lines there I did pick up Necromunda and started assembling and painting a Goliath gang. Also worked on a bit of Streetbowl stuff. Also bought a house, moved, and changed jobs. Also started 3 different RPG groups/campaigns! And started doing my radio show twice a week! So it has been a busy time for sure.